The Vue Model or v-model can be used for basic two-way data binding of form input. You can alter data on the frontend in form…
Category: Web Development
Mailchimp Comment Optin is a plugin we still use for some of our clients. Fixing Outdated Constructor Errors is needed to work with it properly….
If you want to set up a Valet Bedrock based WordPress website and you run into this Valet Can’t connect to local MySQL server error….
The Jupiter Page Background Image Position can be a challenge with certain images. Sometimes the background image added behind your page winds up looking horribly…
We bumped into an PHP Strict standards: Declaration of A should be compatible with B issues.We had a theme made by us quite some time…
When you are working on a project in Sublime 3 it is sometimes useful to exclude files and folders in Sublime 3 search. You typically…
If you forget to exclude node_modules directory add a .gitignore with the following or add this line to an existing one: /node_modules Then run the…
If you are using Let’s Encrypt or any other SSL certificates at Dreamhost and you need to add the SSL certificate to StackPath (formerly MaxCDN) CDN…
Often when clients run WordPress on shared hosting they eventually run into PHP errors like maximum execution time or out of memory errors. This as…
To upgrade from PHP 7.0 to 7.1 on Homebrew you have to first inlink 7.0 and then install 7.1: brew unlink php70 brew install php71…
Just installed Digital Ocean monitoring beta on one of my Digital Ocean droplets where I have Trellis running for a WordPress client of mine. It…
Had a client ask me the other day if the existing name of the Custom Post Type in question could be changed as the url…