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MailChimp Instagram and Facebook Ad Integration

By Jasper Frumau

I guess you as an avid MailChimp user may have seen this, but just in case . MailChimp is adding more and more social media marketing integrations to their portfolio. They are now offering MailChimp Instagram and Facebook Ad Integration right inside your MailChimp Dashboard.

This is a pretty cool development. Especially for people like you and me who use MailChimp for our own business of the business of our clients. Here are two referral links so you can read more about it right from the horse’s mouth:

There intro videos do not seem to work now unfortunately. But anyways, seems they are giving an option for free to manage your Facebook Ads as well as your Instagram Ads right from your MailChimp Dashboard. This allows Mailchimp to take care of not just email, but social media at two of the most important platforms as well. MailChimp Instagram and Facebook Ad Integration hereby becomes a reality.
Facebook Ad Campaigns
Now let’s talk about the awesome advantages of this all and how it makes features that have been around even cooler.

Familiar UX

As you are already familiar running email campaigns this will be great as you will be using the same familiar interface or UX as you have all along. So for a diehard MailChimp user that will be great. The way data is collected and displayed does look really sleek. Both for Instagram and Facebook Ads. Here is the initial view when you set up a campaign for Instagram and Facebook. As you can see the design / layout is lovely as you are used to.
MailChimp Ad Builder

Combine User Data

You can also this way combine your email user base and Facebook Target groups together. The same goes for Instagram. You already have a trove of information based on your email list and email campaigns and now you have an option to combine the two. As MailChimp says:
The real benefit of using Instagram ads in MailChimp is that you can unlock the power of your MailChimp list. You already know who your best customers are, so this is a perfect starting place to find new customers who have similar interests or demographics. By targeting people who look like your top customer segments from your MailChimp contacts, you can find and attract precisely the right audience.

Connect your store

And what is really making all this cool is that you can connect your store and really start tracking what email campaign, Facebook Ad and Instagram Ad campaigns are really paying off. So the Return on Investment can be tracked from MailChimp. No longer just for email but for social media ads as well and that is really powerful. For that you need to connect your store to MailChimp. This is possible for a variety of e-commerce platforms including our favorite WooCommerce!
Connect your store

Additional Connect Store Features

But that is not the only thing. Once you have connected your store there are many opportunites. You can also
  • track abandoned carts and respond to those with emails,
  • use the automatic built-in product recommendation and
  • use e-commerce automations (like you have been using for your email campaigns)

There are two more features but those are paid ones:

  • order notifications
  • predicted demographics

The order notifications you can get via your e-commerce platform I’d say so not sure why I would use that. Predicted demographics for targeted ads and or email campaigns would be useful though.


All in all really cool don’t you think? I mean, I did not pay attention to it all initially with so many tools out there, but MailChimp has steadily made this more and more appealing, especially for the email campaign addicts out there. Now that you can run social media campaigns and email marketing campaigns from the same Dashboard and can connect your store to track roi, abandoned carts and such MailChimp is truly becoming a great centralized online marketing tool.