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In need of top of the bill webdesign? To create a website for your business? To tell what your business is all about? You have come to the right place. We can help you with that. Together we can set up a great website, for a fair price. A website that will look great and convey your services, products, ideas properly to your customer base. Typically business card or brochure type of websites contain 5 – 10 pages. Pages such as:

We will of course also make sure your site is responsive and displays well on mobile and tablets and that it follows the latest SEO standards. No website should go without so neither should your business.


Here a couple of examples of sites I made for small and medium sized businesses just like yours:


You are a writer, an activist, someone who wants to blog about his or her profession lash passion. You want to share with the world. A blog is ideal for that and WordPress, our favorite CMS the best CMS for the job. Blog websites often have a

  • main blog overview page,
  • category and archive pages per category and
  • individual blog posts.

They are often accompanied by a contact page and or about page. We have a lot of experience with these kinds of setups. We also offer modern grid or masonry displays when need be. Not a problem at all! So let’s get started shall we?


Here are some examples of blogging sites built by us: