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Slider Revolution Slide could not be loaded – Possible Fix

By Jasper Frumau

Recently I updated my main slideshow on the homepage. I use Slider Revolution. It is awesome and goes well with the theme I use. For most themes I use really. It is a very versatile slider plugin. But this time around I bumped into an issue I did not see until my CDN loaded the new image. A Slider Revolution Slide could not be loaded.

Slider Revolution Slide could not be loaded

Somehow Slider Revolution did not appreciate the new first slide being 974KB. This caused the slider plugin not to load that slide properly. Here the error in the Chrome inspector console I found:

jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?ver=5.2.6:8 Could not be loaded !

This error caused a huge white hole on my homepage! I talked to MaxCDN to figure out why the image would not be loaded from their side. They figured it was a JavaScript issue. So not a CDN issue. This as the asset or image could be loaded from their end and from my VPS. And in the end it was. It was not the new live chat which I was testing though. I thought it was because it got added recently.

Slider Revolution Issues

Slider Revolution somehow blocked the loading. I realized this checking the Performance and SEO Optimization tab for that slider.

Performance and SEO Optimization tab

It said there was an issue with my first slide. I decided to optimize it some more with Imagify. The slider plugin somehow still loaded the old slide worth 974KB by itself. That is no longer the case in the screenshot above where the total of the 3 slides is only 379.53 KB. Afterwards it was lighter and loaded well. The warning went away too.

SEO Sidenote

I do know SEO wise many out there are not big fans of sliders. But I do still think when you do offer something on the slides like the initial one does and the titles of services on the others slides can contribute to the whole UX. Also make sure you do not slide right away or not too quickly at least. It annoys repeat visitors. And of course do cache things well so visitors do not have to wait too long.

Furthermore, do remember, the eye wants something too and that it provides. I do see a trend popping up every now and then where sites are told to be stripped to the bare minimum and drop slideshows and large images. People are not bots people!

Slider Revolution still a keeper

Finally, the enormous options Slider Revolution offers are incredible. They way you can display slides, effects you can choose and control over desktop, tablet and mobile you have are simply terrific. Too bad the issue was not clear for me from the start. And, perhaps, Slider Revolution should tell me clearer when an added image causes issues.. Still, happy user of SR and not going away anytime soon.

Anyways, that is that. I hope this helps others!

Need help setting things up?

1 response to “Slider Revolution Slide could not be loaded – Possible Fix”

  1. what have more probability to work and fix this issue on slider revolution is compact the images how Jasper write here.
    After compact on the mentioned site i make manually compress on photoshop (Save for web 30 quality)

    Best Regards from Brazil 😉

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