To have a snappy and user friendly website, speed optimization is one of the key areas to take care of. The longer a visitor has to wait the higher the chances they bail on you. Let us help you keep them on your site and.... buy that service or product
Images that have not been optimized properly for the web can slow down a website or web page dramatically. That is why it is vital to have beautiful as well as snappy and so optimized images.
CSS and javaScript is normally loaded as original files with all the empty spaces, empy lines, code comments. These are not needed on a published site and take up unnecessary space. To remove these unnecessary elements we use a technique called minification
WebP image format has been around the block for quite some time. We recommend this open source Google made format as it will reduce images up to 35-40% in almost all case.
Less images, JavaScript, CSS and HTML to load means faster websites. In the age of HTTP/2 we do not need to contatenate all but making sure not too many files are loaded and that they are loaded in the proper order matters
FYI: When HTTP/2 is in use we discourage concatenation
Execution of JavaScript takes time and often you do not need all funtionality that it offers. It is also better to first show the general text, styling and images. That is why we often recommend deferring the loading and execution of JavaScript.
Any website that uses PHP like WordPress or Laravel will benefit from page caching. In stead of converting PHP to HTML and CSS you can display all ready made speeding up your website significantly.
Besides the frontend optimization mentioned earlier a fast server serving data as quickly as possible matters too of course. Most sites work with data stored in the database. To serve this data quickly requires solid database caching. We can help with that.