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WooCommerce Customer Loyalty Tips

By Jasper Frumau

Just today I read a great post by Nicole Kohler at WooCommerce It had some great tips on improving customer loyalty for WooCommerce users. Here my take on her WooCommerce Customer Loyalty Tips.

Pre Purchase Strategy Downsides

I have a lot of customers that do work with pop-ups and often then offer a discount right away. This seems to be a good way to get customers on board, but perhaps not the best one long term. If you can reward a customer for when he returns you can make more customers happy long term and get them to come back for that second order.

Post Purchase Reward

A reward after a purchase seems like an interesting strategy and perhaps better than the off the bat discount for the first purchase. This as a repeat customer tends to be way more valuable than a one of buyer. So this way you can hit multiple birds / customers with one stone. And we can all agree that is a great outlook.

Multiple Purchases Rewards

Buying a certain product multiple times should be rewarded too. This can be done giving discounts or reward badges like big players like Target do. Basically you should build something into your WooCommerce store to reward customers if they:

  • buy certain items multiple times or
  • buy from certain categories multiple times
  • belong to special groups like veterans

Dynamic Pricing Extension

WooCommerce also has an extension to dynamically adjust pricing based upon customer purchases. Totally new to me to be honest, but this sounds really awesome. This extension automatically can adjust the price based on

  • amount of products or
  • customer user role (silver members, gold members,…) or
  • product category

You can configure this all with is from the backend and adjust again when need be. Sounds like a great WooCommerce extension doesn’t it!

Members Only Programs

She also mentioned other tips such as loyalty programs for members only. So giving additional or general discounts for people who become a member. You could create bronze, silver and gold membership programs for example and give each its own discount category. Many malls globally do this and people do love these deals.

There are many member websites already out there that I know of. I do think many entrepreneurs have thought about this or tried this out. But this might be harder to get started at the beginning stages. Still something to keep in mind though.