Oxygen Builder & WooCommerce
Oxygen Builder , a great WordPress site builder that we use for several clients, offers a neat way to build websites using WordPress’ CMS while building all bypassing the general theme setup using the Oxygen Builder. It also has a WooCommerce addition that allows you to add WooCommerce Elements on your website and build product pages, category pages, cart and checkout pages.
Working with it thus far has been rather limiting in our experience however. We work with WooCommerce and multiple plugins or custom code to get things done that are needed for our clients such as:
- extra fees at checkout
- cart in menu
- WooCommerce Add-Ons Ultimate to add extra child products to parent products
- Abandoned Cart Plugin
- Variation Swatches
There are just no options to build WooCommerce template layouts with ease. The options we have now just offer basic ways to set up these pages and do not allow fine grained setups of the different page templates. The other issue is that the plugins that tend to extend WooCommerce are attached to the limited builder blocks Oxygen Builder offers and cause layout and design issues.
WooCommerce Design Elements
What we miss most of the time are design elements and design sets for WooCommerce Templates. Oxygen does not offer any design sets for WooCommerce. It only offers some for general site setups besides their core design blocks. We do however seem to have other business that do offer design sets:
- Oxy Elements $9 per month + unlimited sites and is for WooCommerce as well as general elements
- Oxy Ultimate Woo Pack $149 unlimited site license / General pack is separate and $119 for life time support
- Oxy Ninja Woocore €109 lifetime + unlimited sites & with Core general design sets only €178
- Oxymade $149 lifetime + unlimited sites & Often bought with Oxymonster general design kits for $229
These all seems to help out setting up WooCommerce templates such as the checkout, cart, product, category pages. And all tend to offer general design sets besides WooCommerce sets. When you ask other Oxygen users you get some pro Oxy Elements, Oxy Ultimate and others in favor of Oxy Ninja or Oxymade.
I do not like monthly payments. I do however understand their setup. And besides, you can quit anytime and keep all they developed. I guess they try to developer a loyal audience that will stick around like most do for site builder SaaS. Not sure if it is sustainable but we shall see with the extension.
Then there is Ultimate, Ninja and Oxy Made. Oxy Ultimate seems the priciest for both general and WooCommerce elements so that leaves us Ninja and Oxy Made. Oxy These two seem to be close contenders. But let’s not be hasty and checkout the top 4 guys here: Oxy Elements, Oxy Ultimate, Oxy Ninja and Oxy Made.
Oxy Elements
So, Oxy Elements , what about these guys? Well it is a European based company as seen on their timezone choice on the contact page. They are the only ones it seems who offer a monthly fee package so stand out with this. That is $9 per month. They mention they offer
- Template pages
- Shop Template
- My Account Template
- Order tracking Template
- Cart Template
- Checkout Template
- Single product
They do not talk about separate design blocks, but they do mention that they help adding icon cart, search bar, reviews bar, pro menu with code you can add to custom code plugin. They also show basic screenshots of the WooCommerce templates they help with layout wise. Overall not that crystal clear on the design blocks or kits in general . I miss more details on the design blocks , a real demo.
Oxy Ninja Core and Woocore
So as stated before we are interested in Oxy Ninja and their Core and Woocore packages as they do seem to offer solid pricing with a combo package for life and unlimited sites for only €178 currently. When you check their website it comes across as a modern website. They clearly spend most of their time on building, not on blogging. their documentation is reasonable though could be improved. So in general this good be done better.
When you want to see all the design sets they do not seem to offer a page or page with listed items. They however offer demos like this one for Core or this one for Woocore. These look pretty good in the case of Woocore seem to show you can generate custom checkout and cart pages as well as pages for other WooCommerce templates. In the case of core the demo allows you to load different design elements . Do like this much better and a shame this was not done for WooCommerce sets.
Oxy Ultimate
So what about our second contender Ultimate? How do they present themselves? I love the way they display the WooCommerce design elements they have on offer at the Woopack page. It looks good and is very clear. And they seems to have all we need with more on the way. If you want to buy their WooCommerce and general pack you have to pay $119 for general package and $149 for WooCommerce package so $268 in total. It is however not cheaper than Oxy Ninja which offers combo deal for €178. They are however a strong believer of no bloat which is great, but I cannot test this until I have actual paid for and had a look at their code.
When you click on one of the icons that represent templates or elements they have on offer they show you YouTube videos on what you can exactly like this cart page builder video. These videos are pretty decent and show you how things are done.
Oxy Made + Monster
Oxy Made and Oxy Monster are also a combo package that offers all you need inside Oxygen Builder. They offer general design sets this way as well as WooCommerce design sets. This all in total for $229 so pricier then Ultimate and Ninja. These guys built Oxy Made with Tailwind CSS and do seem to offer a lot of design sets: 1000+ design blocks in 25 categories for Oxygen Builder.
Oxymade is the design kit here and Oxy Monster is design kits and framework. So why would we need both here? Well Oxy Monster is a CSS framework with over 500 utility classes. And besides that they offer a couple of ready made design kits that are like design packages for a general site setup with Oxygen . Now, Oxy Made. They offer over 1000+ design blocks or page elements. So these two together offer loads of blocks , several design lists and a CSS Framework based on Tailwind to work with. So pretty cool as well .
However , where do they showcase their WooCommerce blocks and design sets? Well their checkout kit is in the works, but not done yet. As for WooCommerce building block in Oxy Made. When we check preview there seem to be none.
Extension Choice
So what extension should you go for? Well we tend to believe the Oxy Made and Oxy Monster setup to be really neat But they do not help with WooCommerce at all. So that leaves us with Oxy Ultimate and Oxy Ninja as Elements is stil monthly and not suitable for us.
Our choice for now is with Oxy Ultimate as they offer clear options for WooCommerce, have nice videos explaining how things can be done and seem to have a really great and friendly developer taking care of things.
WooCommerce Layout Management
We also miss ways to split added code into its own design blocks or parts. Many plugins that offer additional functionality hook into a part of WooCommerce and are therefore automatically added to one or another core WooCommerce block you can add with Oxygen Builder
Add-On Ultimate hangs all its goodies on the price display part and because of that is is very hard to style the add-on pages. And though WooCommerce Add-On Ultimate offers tabbed display, table display and such the display is in general far from ideal. For this I have not found an ideal solution yet.
I guess in these cases you need the plugin developer to work on a solution that works better with Oxygen Builder. A lot of plugins work well with Divi and Elementor. There seems to however be less players in the field that care about the Oxygen Builder for now. An idea for a new product perhaps?
“If you want to buy their WooCommerce and general pack you have to pay $119 for general package and $149 for WooCommerce package so $168 in total”
It seems $268 in total. the most expensive one. Or am I missing something?
Yes, you are right, will correct it Kei. Thanks